Thursday, September 29, 2011

Raising Best Friends

So we are entering a new phase of child rearing in the Schuyler family. Charlotte is finally on the move and so her care is mostly survival: protect, feed, change, love. Savannah on the other hand needs more character building care, plus she is just a kid who loves to learn. I had her on the waiting list for a parent participation preschool where she would attend twice a week and two days a month I would be the instructor (teaching what I know- Sign Language). There was a slim chance of getting her in for this school year as she was #11 on the list. I, however, just got informed that there is space for her. So my "mundane days" of motherhood are over. 
Mondays we will have a Learning Links class. 
Tuesdays currently the girls are in swim class but that will soon end and will be replaced with one of two days of Savannahs new preschool class. 
Wednesday day is free but we have bible study Wednesday evenings. 
Thursday is preschool again.  
Friday I am attending a moms group at a local church. 
Don't Forget I teach every morning 7am-8am
Tutor generally on Sunday or Monday evenings
Have several bookkeeping clients whom I do monthly data entry, reports and reconciliations for.
AND I will have to teach one of Savannahs preschool classes every other week.
When I look at it like that and add the normal mothering (breakfast, lunch,dinner, laundry, dishes, nurse-duty, sanitizing, bathing, dressing etc etc etc) it does seem like a lot but I love having something to do everyday and having a schedule.  It does remind me of about 3 1/2 years ago when i just kept taking on more part time jobs.. I had 5 when I found out I was pregnant.  I tapered that down to just "stay at home mom" but after she was born but I found myself again seeking out stuff to do and ended up landing a teaching job and some bookkeeping work right before finding out I was pregnant again. Am I saying I'm pregnant again? No, but I am saying that I notice a pattern with myself... I get a little too ambitious and God slows me down and brings me back to whats really important: Family. So I got these two girls and despite how crazy my schedule may seem to become in the next few months I am determined to make it fun, carefree and encourage my girls to truely be best of friends.

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