Saturday, September 10, 2011

Uncle Jacob

My brother Jacob tends to stop by unannounced and randomly and we just LOVE that.  Savannah is just in love with "Uncle Jakey".  On this particular day I was cleaning out some bathroom hair curling stuff and Savannah was showing interest and she let me put her hair in curlers!  She's let me braid it before so shes real good about staying still, as long as she has something like "Little Einstein" on (her recent fav). 

Still fascinated with Little Einstein.  I just played it through Disney Juniors website and connected the television as an extended monitor since we don't have cable.  It works great!

Finally ready to pose

Uncle Jakey randomly stopped by and graciously volunteered to remove the curlers.  Unfortunately the curls didn't stay.  The girls had swim class earlier in the day and the salt water pool water isn't great for curlers I guess.

Charlotte and Jake resting on the swing

Jake is so sweet with my girls!  Its precious.  It was blazing hot on this day, record highs for the year, so Charlotte was in her swim diaper and nothing else so I could dip her in and out of the pool when she got too hot.

The shirtless trio!  Too hot for shirts!  Shortly after this Jake joined Josh, me and the kids for a night at Los Patios for TACO TUESDAY!  So nice to have him nearby!
Just a few days after this was the massive blackout to most of southern California, parts of Arizona, Mexico and Baja California.  Jake came over that night too.  He helped us devour perishables and started the firepit on the deck!  Savannah wished Rachel was around too.  Rachel is her soon-to-be Aunt Rachel (Jacobs fiance).  We are already working with Savannah to get her excited for her flower girl debut with Charlotte June 9th 2012.


  1. Amazing! Thanks for having me over. Your so Rad!

  2. Congrats on to Jakey.. hes all grown up. :) Love the shirtless trio. priceless!
