Sunday, October 2, 2011

Signing Friends

So Savannah loves sign language and knows a lot of it.  I even plan to bring her to one of my classes to teach my students something that she is interested in, like animals.  She mostly uses sign with me at home during "signing time" aka "Charlottes nap time".  She uses it to supplement her speech when talking with others as well and is continually confused when people can't understand signs.  Ha.  Last week she had a long overdue playdate with her friend Carl who is Hard of Hearing. They had a blast!  Here are some pics of them having fun playing with Carls firetruck, Savannahs swim noodle and then finishing off a hot afternoon in the wading pools on the porch with Charlotte.

Carl waving to Savannah from across the porch

Notice that Savannah is watching his hands, waiting for him to say something. 

Carls toy firetruck that had many time outs because it kept getting thrown and not shared.

And the whacking game begins.

And continues

Love this pic...

This is called "parellel" play.  Two kids playing independently together.  So funny how, at this age, they just switch back and forth so often.  Savannah is just 4 months older than Carl.

And Charlottes is awake, it was hot so we busted out the pools. 

Peek a boo

Notice that Charlotte is peeking out from behind Carl.  Carl has a feeding tube attached to his stomach that you can see here.  Next week he is going to be admitted to CHOC in Orange for an entire month as part of an eating program/training that he got into.  Itll be intense for the whole family so we were glad we got to spend some "fun" time with him before he is in "lockdown" for a whole month.

Charlotte... arg

Carl and his dedicated momma Catherine Nylander.  Thanks Catherine for a fun day!

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