Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Who we are

Here we are- A Family of 4.  Josh, Sarah and 2 little princesses: Savannah and Charlotte.  It wasn't intentional that we named our kids after cities nor was it intentional to have holiday babies but we have both.  Savannah was born a Thanksgiving baby (born Nov 26th 2008) and Charlotte was born just shy of Christmas (born Dec 23rd 2010).  I struggled as to what to name this blog because as easy as it would be to call it something like "OUR LITTLE PRINCESSES" or "THE SCHUYLER 4".  We hope to have more children.  I realized we are "hoping" for a lot of things within the next few years: Josh to pass the CPA exams, to travel more, to get out of debt, to buy a house etc etc.  On top of that Savannah will probably be starting some kind of school next year.  She has been learning phonics, how to swim and of course more sign language whereas Charlotte is learning to do, well, everything still.  Shortly after Charlotte was born she got sick, got diagnosed with a PDA (hole in her heart) and just recently had corrective surgery.  I wish I had started this blog before she was born so you all could have gone on the awesome journey, which is Charlotte's health and Gods perfect timing!  The short short of it all is that God was with us with the timing of her birth, the timing of her RSV, the diagnosis of her PDA, and every moment through her surgery this last Wednesday.  I learned that God IS in the details.  Praise be to Him, Charlotte is doing great!  I guess through all that I am finally ready to sit down and start documenting our moments as a family, milestones in our girls lives and goals we reach a little step at a time.  All the while praising the Lord for what he is doing in our lives.  Glad to have you along for the "ride of our life" which is "Josh, Sarah and the kids."